TV Couples
The 13 Best ‘Modern Family’ Couples, Ranked

Over 11 seasons, we watched the Pritchetts, Dunphys, Delgados, and Tuckers grow, evolve, and cause chaos on ABC’s Modern Family. While the show revolved around family relationships—as the name not-so-subtly suggests—it also included plenty of romantic relationships.
Aside from our three key couples, we saw the kids grow up and begin dating. From first kisses to breakups to keeping the spark alive, we witnessed every aspect of romantic love. To celebrate this show that we still can’t get over (and keep rewatching annually to avoid dealing with our lives), here are the 13 most important couples in Modern Family, ranked.
Let us know in the comments below if you agree with our ranking!

13. Haley and Rainer
Last on the list — and really scraping the barrel on that “best” aspect — are Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Rainer Shine (Nathan Fillion). This relationship had no shot of lasting, but it was fun while it lasted. Haley got to experience the glamour of dating a famous weatherman, who happened to be one of Phil’s idols. Initially, it seemed like Rainer just wanted to date someone young and attractive, but actually, he became quite committed to her, and she even met his adult daughter.
However, the main thing these two had in common was their vanity…which is definitely not a strong foundation for a relationship. They didn’t help each other grow and always seemed to be on the lookout for something better. We don’t think anyone shed a tear when they broke up—except maybe Phil.

12. Alex and Arvin
On paper, these two were perfect for one another. Arvin Fennerman (Chris Geere) is like the grown-up version of Sanjay, as he’s a brilliant scientist at Caltech, which is how the pair met. Alex (Ariel Winter) was also the brains of the show, so the pair had mad intellectual chemistry. Who could forget (or understand) their romantic talk about relationships in a quantum state? But aside from his big brains, Arvin was also charming and kindhearted. He treated Alex with respect, never pushed her boundaries, and was genuinely surprised by her interest in him.
The main issue with these two? Well, first, Arvin was a lot older and more experienced in the field, which might lead to a power imbalance. Second, he dated her sister! Enough said.

11. Manny and Sherry
Yep, Manny (Rico Rodriguez) has a spot on this list. Despite being a hopeless romantic throughout the show, Manny usually had bad luck with the ladies. This was mostly because he was going for the wrong people, like Joe’s nanny or his cousin—ew. But then came Sherry (Hillary Anne Matthews), and it started on a high. The pair loved the same things and were equally passionate about improv and theater. She was warm and loving, if a teensy bit controlling. Gloria wasn’t a fan, but no surprises there. Sherry seemed like Manny’s dramatic, goofy soulmate. Until…she wasn’t.
However, we can’t put this couple higher on the list because of how they ended, or rather what happened after they broke up—aka Sherry dating Luke. Manny tried to save the relationship with a very public proposal, which Sherry found manipulative. He also then messed with Luke’s relationship with her, putting their close friendship at risk.

10. Luke and Janice
Whoa, controversial moment! Okay, let’s discuss the elephant in the room: Janice (Amy Pietz) was older than Luke (Nolan Gould)… a lot older. Janice was closer to Claire’s age than Luke’s, which was a little awkward for his mom, to say the least. Luke was of legal age at this point, and we actually found it impressive that a show featuring several younger-woman-older man couples also included the reverse, which is often more criticized.
It was an unusual pairing that didn’t last long, but it was one of the most prominent relationships Luke had on the show. Janice helped him to get a bit more serious and sort out his life, which was sorely needed. There are definitely worse couples on Modern Family!

9. Alex and Ben
Our smart girlie Alex was not so smart when it came to finding love, to put it lightly. We’re not going to even talk about her and Luke’s friend, Reuben (Spenser McNeil) — we honestly try to forget it happened. But one of her longest relationships was with Ben (Joe Mande), who worked for Claire at Pritchett’s Closets. Ben was kind of annoying and clingy, but he did seem utterly devoted to Alex. This resulted in him being a pushover and allowing Alex to treat him poorly, to the extent that her family noticed her cruelty to Ben. When Haley is calling you out for treating guys poorly, you know something needs to change.
But the biggest reason these two don’t get a higher spot on the list is that when Alex dumps Ben, it is revealed that he cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend. That’s not cool, Ben. Good luck working for her mom now.

8. Haley and Arvin
Yep, that name might look a little too familiar, and it’s because Arvin’s already been mentioned on this list. Yikes. Before Arvin dated Alex, he was in a relationship with Haley—her sister! What were the writers thinking with this plotline?
Haley met Arvin through Alex, and he was totally smitten with her. He thought she was stunning and different from anyone he knew, and he was eager to date her. Haley seemed touched by his enthusiasm, and they had a good run for a while. Haley often felt insecure about their differing jobs and intellects, but Arvin recognized that there are more types of intelligence than just academics.
Arvin also got along well with Haley’s family, which she both appreciated and despised—this is before he got along a little too well with Alex.

7. Alex and Sanjay
Enemies to lovers in an academic setting? Sign us up! Alex and Sanjay (Suraj Partha) presented as academic rivals throughout the early seasons and pushed one another to work harder. When they were competing to be valedictorian (unwilling to accept a shared victory), Sanjay revealed he is was love with Alex. The pair kissed and started dating. They took a very methodological approach to their relationship, including their breakup, which they attempted to schedule due to the poor odds for long-distance relationships. They soon realized that the odds have never applied to brainiacs like them and continued dating.
Unfortunately, their relationship ended soon after, with Sanjay cheating on Alex—you’re in our Burn Book, Sanjay! They briefly rekindled things when she returned his hoodie, but we don’t see more of the pair. The subject of going to the same college just to be closer was never raised. Education came first for them both.
If it hadn’t been for Sanjay’s infidelity, these two could’ve grown up to be genius endgame. But they might also have been too similar and brought out a competitive nature that isn’t healthy for long-term romance.

6. Haley and Dylan
Dylan Marshall (Reid Ewing) is a great character, but we’re just not sure he’s a great partner to Haley. But let’s start with the positives. Dylan and Haley were high school sweethearts who kept finding their way back to one another. There is something to be said for how they can’t stay away from each other. Phil got along well with Dylan, although Claire was consistently not a fan of him.
It could seem like Haley and Dylan hold one another back, but we saw them grow and change each time they got together. As high schoolers, there was intense jealousy and wild declarations of love. As young adults, Dylan was pursuing his T-shirt business (using many words with a “V”) while Haley struggled to find her own path. Eventually, Dylan found his calling as a nurse (who could’ve guessed?!), and the two became young parents to twins. While the family had a lot of doubts about their capabilities as parents, there was no doubt that they were both committed and deeply in love.
However, many fans still feel this storyline stunted Haley’s growth, and she was no further along than she was at the beginning of the show.

5. Alex and Bill
People are absolutely sleeping on this couple, and most fans of the show will scratch their heads and go, “Who is Bill?” Bill! The fireman who carried Alex out of her dorm and right into our hearts. Alex found Bill (Jimmy Tatro) ridiculously attractive. Bill was just as keen on Alex. He loved her brains, beauty, and the rest of it. Bill was a good man, honestly. He was kind, loyal, dependable, and got on well with her whole family. Plus, those muscles didn’t hurt.
However, sometimes it seemed as if she was just using him for sex. While he saw the best in her, she couldn’t get past their intelligence gap. Unfortunately, Alex looked down on Bill for not being as smart as her, and eventually he ended their relationship as a result. While we don’t agree with the exact reason for him ending things (Alex believed creepy messages asking for nudes were from him), it seemed like this misunderstanding symbolized how she perceived him.
It’s a shame, as we think Bill could’ve been the balance to Alex that Phil brings to Claire. Well, they’ll always have those wild sex-capades, right?

4. Haley and Andy
Ask any Modern Family fan, and they will agree on one universal truth: Haley and Andy Bailey (Adam DeVine) should have been endgame! The chemistry between these two was off the charts and rivaled anything we saw from the young romances in the show. What differentiated Andy from Haley’s other boyfriends was that it was a classic case of friends-to-lovers, which she never usually experienced. Haley is a gorgeous girl, but this leads her to believe that her worth only lies in her appearance. While Andy was definitely attracted to Haley, he was attracted to the whole package. He loved her for who she was on the inside as much as on the outside.
Their relationship didn’t have the best beginning, as their will-they-won’t-they led to Haley and Andy sleeping together while he was still engaged to Beth (Laura Ashley Samuels). Once that was sorted (and it’s revealed Beth has been unfaithful this whole time as well), they gave things a go.
In one notable episode, Haley believes that Andy likes her for her wild side, and Andy thinks he needs to be more wild to be with her. Eventually, it’s revealed that Haley likes the softer, calmer side that Andy brings out in her.
Haley was her best self with Andy, focusing on her career and family and pushing him to pursue his ambitions. This was actually what led to their end (sob) because Andy took a job elsewhere, and she supported this career move. It’s worth noting that Andy wasn’t keen on doing long-distance with Haley despite gladly doing it for years with Beth while she was in the Coast Guard.

3. Mitch and Cam
First things first, it’s vital to note how important this couple was for representation. To have a queer, happy couple in the main cast for a sitcom was a huge leap forward for broadcast TV.
Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) also subverted many stereotypes, such as Cam being a huge sports fan and eventual football coach. The show also allowed these characters to celebrate their queer identity and not change who they are to “appear more straight.”
Mitch and Cam were a classic case of opposites attract. Big city boy meets farm boy. A straight-laced, neurotic lawyer with a flamboyant musical-loving football coach/clown. Cam brought Mitch out of his shell and helped him to loosen up, while Mitch kept Cam from getting ahead of himself. They’re like the gas pedal and the brake, both of which are necessary in a relationship—and a car.
But that’s also where their faults were. It was tiring for Mitch to always be the brake and tough dad to their daughter, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). The couple also seemed to not only have different interests but look down on one another’s interests. Cam was proud of his clown past, and Mitch hated it—not that we can entirely blame him. Meanwhile, Cam was uninterested in Mitch’s work as a lawyer and saw far more importance in his teaching and coaching. The pair clashed on how to raise their daughters, and the deceptions that occurred were quite concerning. A prime example is how Mitch didn’t include Cam’s surname on Lily’s birth certificate, as he feared he was going to abandon them.

2. Claire and Phil
Personally, we love Phil (Ty Burrell) and Claire (Julie Bowen). They have such a relatable energy, and it’s likely you and your partner fit into this Phil/Claire dynamic. The pair didn’t have it easy raising three strong personalities and juggling that with work and their relationship. But Phil and Claire were so undoubtedly in love. They didn’t just accept each other’s quirks and flaws but genuinely seemed to love each other for them. Phil loved his neurotic and controlling wife and balanced her out by being silly and goofy. Some women might be embarrassed by a husband obsessed with magic tricks and cheerleading, but not Claire. She was positively tickled by it all.
The two of them were very physical with one another, especially with their ongoing role-play of Clive and Juliana. They were gifted a lock for their door by their children to ensure they never again walked in on them after one disastrous anniversary.
The imbalance in the relationship keeps these two from being the best Modern Family couple. Claire always seemed to play bad cop to Phil’s good cop. Once in a while, they explicitly tried to shift the dynamic, like when Claire took Luke and Manny go-karting while Phil ordered the girls to clean their filthy bathroom, but they always reverted back. Claire carried the mental load of the relationship, even when she returned to work and eventually took over her father’s company. Phil was a chronic people pleaser, but it was at the expense of his wife.
The pair also had a few moments where they enjoyed the attention of others a little too much, such as when Claire appreciated a yoga teacher’s hands-on approach, and Phil lied about his attractive, flirty client, which was problematic for other reasons. While many couples are okay with some harmless flirting, the issue is that they explicitly lied about it to one another.

1. Jay and Gloria
We struggled long and hard in terms of the top spot, as there are arguments to be made for each Modern Family couple. Ironically, someone who has never watched Modern Family would probably blindly place Jay (Ed O’Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) toward the bottom of the list, labeling them as a couple that would likely never last. But that’s actually what made them so strong. Despite all the judgments and labels, this is a case of two unlikely people falling for each other.
Jay and Gloria both had fiery tempers, but that’s what she liked about him. He wasn’t afraid to argue with her and disagree. She was looking for her equal, not someone who worshiped the ground she walked on in those very high heels. Jay suffered from insecurities now and again, but for the most part, he managed to trust that Gloria truly cared about him, and that’s indicative of their level of love and affection.
Jay and Gloria were often seen trying to connect with each other and support one another’s interests. Gloria tried to learn golf to play with Jay in his retirement. Jay hired Manny’s Spanish tutor to teach him so that Gloria could have her native language in her home. Jay booked tickets for them to go visit her family in Colombia—despite his general distaste for her family, which is, unfortunately, a mark against them. The two of them also seamlessly adjusted to life with a new baby. They were great parents together and tried to learn from their previous parenting mistakes.
The couple faced criticism and judgment from all sides, whether it was comedians heckling them during a show, fellow parents assuming Jay was her father, or Jay’s ex, DeDe (Shelley Long), trying to physically attack Gloria at every opportunity. Despite the hurdles and age difference, Jay and Gloria never gave us reason to doubt. They worked together in a way they wouldn’t work with other people, and they’ve made us think there’s something to be said for that soulmate stuff.