Keep Me
Sara Cate
Contemporary Romance • Vacation Romance
Published: December 3, 2024

4 of 5 on the
Spice Meter
Killian Barclay is a Scottish billionaire who is tired of heartache, so he’s chosen to fill his days and his ancestral home with raunchy parties that sully the family name. New Yorker Sylvie Devereau encounters Killian on a trip to his family home and hopes to never have the displeasure again any time soon. Until his family contacts her with a plan: marry Killian to rehab his image and she’s get $10 million after one year. But as they get to know each other, Sylvie starts to see the man underneath the hardened exterior, and she may not want to take the money and run anymore.
TropesFake DatingForced Proximity
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