Young Adult Romance
Book Category

A Million Junes
Emily Henry

Axie Oh

Audre & Bash Are Just Friends
Tia Williams

Better Than the Movies
Lynn Painter

Canto Contigo
Jonny Garza Villa

Check & Mate
Ali Hazelwood

Don't Let It Break Your Heart
Maggie Horne

Heartstopper Vol. 2
Alice Oseman

Heartstopper Vol. 3
Alice Oseman

Heartstopper Vol. 4
Alice Oseman

Heartstopper Vol. 5
Alice Oseman

I Hope This Doesn't Find You
Ann Liang

Love Requires Chocolate
Ravynn K. Stringfield

Nick and Charlie: A Heartstopper Novella
Alice Oseman

Not For the Faint of Heart
Lex Croucher

F.T. Lukens

Rani Choudhury Must Die
Adiba Jaigirdar

Teach the Torches to Burn
Caleb Roehrig

The Love That Split the World
Emily Henry

The Shadows Between Us
Tricia Levenseller

This Day Changes Everything
Edward Underhill

This Winter
Alice Oseman

Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas

Twelfth Knight
Alexene Farol Follmuth

Stephenie Meyer